The World Customs Organisation (WCO) system allows for international passengers or travelers to choose between two types of channels for clearance on arrival at ports of entry. Under this system, travelers are segmented according to the nature of declarations or importations. The Red and Green Route system is designed to simplify and speed up the clearance of travelers by Customs officials.

In terms of Section 17(2) of the Customs and Excise (General) Regulations SI 154 of 2001,

the Commissioner may appoint different routes to be used by disembarking travelers and at ports of entry where such routes have been appointed, a traveller may elect to use whichever route is applicable to them

Green Route

The Green Route is for passengers having with them no goods or only goods which can be admitted free of import duties and taxes and which are not subject to import prohibitions or restrictions. Generally, these are goods that qualify under Traveller’s or Tourist rebate.

Red Route

If the goods being carried by a traveller do not qualify under the rebates stated above, then the traveller should use the Red Route. This route is used by travellers who are carrying dutiable or restricted goods.

Red Route Procedure

At the red route, the traveller completes the declaration form (Form Number 47) declaring goods being imported. The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) officer will assess the duty payable. A traveller not sure of which route to follow should always use the Red Route.

NB: In terms of section 16 of the Customs and Excise (General) Regulations SI 154 of 2001, selection of a Green Route by a passenger will be deemed to be a declaration to the effect that he is not carrying any dutiable or restricted goods.


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This article was compiled by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority for information purposes only. ZIMRA shall not accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from use of material in this article and no liability will attach to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority. 

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